(2nd – 8th June, 2024)

The NgIMUN ENUGU 2024 will be organized as a recreation of the United Nations proceedings, with students role-playing representatives of different countries in UN committees like the General Assembly, Security Council etc. The purpose of the NgIMUN ENUGU 2024 is for students to achieve a greater understanding not only of the UN, but also global issues, through an interactive and enjoyable educational experience. It is an attempt to engage students with global challenges and encourage them to think creatively with an international outlook to problem-solving, that attracts many of the brightest minds in schools globally.

The organizers have a central theme focusing on the “Development of Education in Developing Countries”. The NgEducators Centre for International Studies, the UN Special Consultative Status International Human Rights Commission and the Crown University  International Chartered inc., who are the co-conveners of the NgIMUN feel that this theme is meriting discussion at this time, in view of highlighting the importance of the SDGs and the need for leadership to place a high degree of sensitivity and attention on the education sector.

NgEducators Model UN is therefore a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics. NgIMUN conferences are simulations that place Senior Secondary Schools and University Students in the shoes of diplomats, challenging them to think and speak about global issues from the perspective of another country’s ambassador. This is a fun, interactive way to learn about the UN while practicing important skills such as decision making, effective communication and critical thinking.