Overview of NgIMUN ENUGU 2024
The NgIMUN ENUGU 2024 (2nd – 8th April, 2024) is a United Nations structured simulation idea for students. This is an educational strategy in which a particular set of conditions will be created or replicated to resemble authentic situations that are possible in real life. Actors will be used to create scenarios learners may be confronted with in the working environment. Specifically, the NgEducators International Model UN ENUGU 2024 is an activity for those interested in learning more about how the UN operates. Students at Secondary Schools and University levels will be enlisted to participate in this Model UN conference with the aim to build and maintain strong links between the UN and the student participants.

NgIMUN ENUGU 2024 is therefore an educational simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. At this NgIMUN conference, students will work as the representative of a country, organization, or person, and must solve a problem with other delegates from around the world. The conversations will be on the ‘Development of Education in Developing Countries. NgIMUN ENUGU 2024 is an opportunity for the students participants to acquire skills in research, public speaking, debating, and writing, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership.

All Students who will participate in the NgIMUN diplomatic simulation conference as delegates or as an official shall have unique experiences including meeting students from all over the world because the conference is a concentration of different nationalities in the same place for a few days. As a confidence building concept the students will overcome the fear of public speaking because the NgIMUN being a diplomatic initiative, is a great setting where people can try to face their fear of public speaking. This chance to overcome a fear of public speaking is great because it supports delegates’ personal growth and triggers self-confidence.

Undoubtedly, the NgIMUN is a mechanism that gives opportunity to students to become acquainted with diplomacy and international issues based on the fact that it is designed as a diplomatic simulation. Respect and cooperation are the fundamentals of the debate. This setting allows every participant to understand how existing international bodies work and the contribution they themselves can make to help solve issues and challenges that affect our planet today such as the problems besetting the ‘Development of Education in Developing Countries’

Participating students will get their leadership skills enhanced as the debate requires different people to fill different roles. The chairperson’s challenge will be to moderate the debate to make it as much productive as possible. This means developing strong leadership skills, in order to make sure every country speaks and that the debate is fruitful and successful. Moreover, chairpeople also develop good evaluation skills, since they assign awards to the best delegate and the best delegations at the end of Model UN conferences.